Title VI American Indian Parent Committee

American Indian Parent Committee


The purpose of the American Indian Parent Committee is to assure parent participation in providing programs and services for American Indian Students. The Parent Committee will also be instrumental in providing parents who have American Indian students with information and opportunities to effectively express their views concerning all aspects of education that affect their children. The Parent Committee will also oversee the development and implementation of the educational plan as funded by Title VII Indian Education federal funds. Parent Advisory Committee memberships is open to all parents/guardians of American Indian Education students. Secondary students are also welcome to serve on the committee.


Tule River Tribal Council -Title VI Incentive Program

The Porterville Unified School District - Title VI American Indian Parent Committee was formed over 40 year ago. The committee’s main goal is to provide students and parents with support in academics, behavior and attendance.

Title VI American Indian Parent Committee meets on a monthly basis during the academic school year. The committee meets at Pioneer Middle School one month and at Tule River Education Center on the Tule River Reservation. These meetings are open to all of the parents of students enrolled in Porterville Unified School District. The committee is open to support any parent and student. 

For over 15 years, the Title VI American Indian Parent Committee has worked closely with the Tule River Tribal Council to provide support to the students with incentives for academics, behavior and attendance.

Incentive have been a valuable tool for many years in motivating American Indian students in grades 7-12 (and sixth-grade students at Pioneer Middle School) to improve grades, attendance and behavior. Incentive ceremonies are held four times every year. Middle school and high school American Indian students with 506 forms are eligible for the incentive program. Individual American Indian students become eligible based on their attendance (less than four absences), grades (2.0 grade-point-average with no F grades) and good behavior during the quarter.

Parent Committee Members: 

Jennifer Murillo Parent
Jovita Dabney Parent
Marlena Escalera Parent
Brandon Murillo Student Representative
Lois Noland PUSD Instructional Assistant
Dr. Phil Black PUSD Director of Assessment and Accountability