Harmony Magnet/Strathmore High Students Travel to Sacramento

On the week of February 21, students from Harmony Magnet Academy and Strathmore High School had an opportunity to work with the California Association of Student Councils (CASC) at the Student Advisory Board on Legislation in Education (SABLE) in Sacramento. The group of six students (Arelli Adams, Sonia Cardenas, Daniel Lusk, Jose Acevedo, Juan Chapa, and Jadrian Teunissen) worked on creating proposals to current state assembly committees that focus on education.

Students proposed a bill enabling students to organize councils aimed at providing school district leadership feedback on programs and systems. The bill on student feedback will be incorporated with other proposals into the LCAP (Local Control and Accountability Plan) process that will move forward in the upcoming 2017-18 school year. Conference attendees raised upwards of $3,500 to cover expenses.
