Insurance Information » Find Provider

Find Provider

Looking for a network doctor?
  1. Go to and click on Find Care in the upper right corner.
  2. Select “Basic search as a guest” and enter the following:
  3. What type of care are you searching for? Medical
  4. What state do you want to search with? California
  5. What type of plan do you want to search with? Medical (Employer-Sponsored)
  6. Select a plan/network: Prudent Buyer CA Only


Click Continue and on the next page, enter your preferred zip code. You can, optionally, enter a specialty or a provider's name.


Then select Physicians & Medical Professionals.

Remember to ALWAYS check with the doctor (even the ones who you have gone to for years) as to whether or not they are currently providers for Advantek/ Anthem Blue Cross. This is extremely important if you are planning to have surgery.
Looking for a network dentist?
You will need to login with your own created login and password.
Looking for a network vision provider?
Out of State Instructions for Multiplan PPO Network
Multiplan Provider Search