Measure B Resources » FAQ



1. What is Measure B?
Measure B is a “general obligation bond measure” to support the maintenance and construction of facilities that will be placed on  on the Nov. 4, 2014 ballot.   
Every school in the District will benefit from Measure B projects either directly or indirectly.
2. How will Measure B revenue be used?
If passed, Measure B will:
Replace 102 portable classrooms throughout the District with permanent and modern classroom facilities.
Construct a new open enrollment Porterville Military Academy (Charter School).
Construct a new open enrollment Dual Language Immersion Academy.
Relieve overcrowding and expand choices and opportunities available to all students and families.
Modernize facilities by providing the local match for State and Federal grants to modernize, construct, repair, furnish, and equip these school facilities.
Make the District eligible to capture over $23 million in State grants that will otherwise go to other Districts.
3. Where can I see images of the construction projects Measure B will fund if passed?
Please click the links in the menu to the right of this text to see the architectural renderings of some of the projects Measure B will fund.
4. How much will this bond cost me?
The bond will generate $67 million to be repaid over 25 years. Homeowners will pay around $3.50 per month per $100,000 of assessed (not market) value.   
5. Why doesn't the State pay for our schools?
California has traditionally provided matching funds for new construction and modernization, but PUSD has to have funding to provide its match before the state will share the cost. Our students deserve to learn and compete in quality facilities and these schools need new classrooms.
6. Can the money be used for salaries?
No. Measure B funds can only be used for facilities improvements and new construction. No money can be used for salaries and the state cannot take the funds.
7. Who will monitor how the money is used?
A Citizens' Oversight Committee will be formed and PUSD is required to conduct an independent performance audit and an independent financial audit every year.
8. Will funds from this school bond measure be used to build any new schools?
Yes. The project list includes the construction of a new open enrollment Porterville Military Academy (Charter School) as well as the construction of a new open enrollment Dual Language Immersion Academy.