
Principal’s Message
Students that attend Vine Community Day School receive personalized instruction. In this setting, the academic instruction is designed as an individualized education program developed for each student based on his/her academic and social needs. By utilizing a variety of learning modalities, students’ learning potential is maximized. Emphasis is placed upon the development of social as well as academic achievement. This knowledge-base is essential for students to master, allowing successful return to the traditional instructional setting.
Monty Newkirk
Mission Statement
At Vine Community Day School, we believe every student has the right to a safe and quiet learning environment. Therefore, we have an obligation to create an environment in which students have the best opportunity to learn, and an obligation to counsel those who are not serious about their education. We also believe that open and honest communication between school and home is important in assuring a student’s success at Vine Street Community Day School.
Vine Community Day School
822 W. Pioneer Ave.
Porterville, CA 93257

Phone: 559 782-6650
Fax: 559 782-6652