About the Program

YES stands for Youth Experiencing Success. The YES team works diligently to provide engaging project-based activities which encourage students to strive for success, both in and out of school.
YES provides a safe, constructive environment during non-school hours. The program is available for three hours immediately after school and closes at 6 p.m. YES consists of three daily sessions: academic, enrichment and recreation. YES provides an opportunity to merge strategies and resources from the regular school day with community resources. YES strives to support the goals and efforts of each school by increasing assistance to students and broadening the base of academic support.
Our goals
  • Provide a healthy and safe environment for students and staff
  • Provide students with high quality and engaging opportunities to learn and make measurable academic progress
  • Support the needs of working families
  • Support healthy behavior and physical well-being
  • Promote respect and appreciation for diversity
Students are expected to regularly attend the program in its entirety. An Early Release policy is in place for the purpose of allowing families to keep commitments for health, safety and educational purposes.
Note: California Assembly Bill 1567 states that priority enrollment goes to foster youth and homeless students. Attendance rules still apply.
Early Release Policy
YES encourages students to attend regularly in order to gain the most benefit from the program. Due to high demand, students with 10 or more unexcused absences may be automatically dropped from the program. For more information, see the Early Release Policy document below.
Contact Information
PUSD – YES Office
600 West Grand Avenue
Porterville, CA 93257
Office (559) 793-2419